So, you're thinking of becoming a VA?

✔️ Over 30 pages of exercises and challenges

✔️ Everything you need to ask yourself to find out if this is for you

✔️ Understand what being a Virtual Assistant is actually like

✔️ Finish knowing if starting a VA business is for you


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✔️ Evaluate your skills

✔️ Understand your strengths & weaknesses

✔️ Work out if you can make enough money

✔️ Learn your why

✔️ Finish knowing if being a VA is for you


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BONUS: 10-page Goal Setting Guide


If you get to the end of this guide and decide that starting your VA business is for you, I've got a bonus for you! You'll find a bonus 10 page goal setting guide to help you set your first business goals and take the next step to building your business!

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 This guide is for you if...

  • You're not sure you have the right skills to become a Virtual Assistant
  • You're unsure if you can make enough money as a Virtual Assistant
  • You want to leave your job but you're just not sure if it's for you
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