How To Get Your Mojo Back

As a business owner, or an aspiring entrepreneur it can be tough to keep constantly motivated. One day you’re writing blog posts (hello!) and others you’re struggling to find the motivation to clear your inbox and design that story on Canva.


I hear you.


The longer you own your business, the harder this is to maintain. Just like a relationship with your partner, you’ll have a honeymoon period with your business too.

You’ll wake up with an extra spring in your step and the motivation to jump on your laptop. But, like any relationship, the ‘honeymoon’ flurry of excitement wears off, and the more deliberate work starts. You need to make an effort, and sometimes it’s hard to continue that.

But what if we could learn to extend that honeymoon period? If we could learn how to wake up each and every day with the same spring in your step as day one?


The answer? HABITS.


Habits have had a bit of a negative connotation in the...

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5 Easy Ways to Overcome Work From Home Distractions

There are an infinite number of potential distractions when working from home, and sometimes, they get the better of us.

After all, we're only human. Right?

The issue comes when they get the better of us all of the time. Below we've listed our 5 quick and easy-to-implement tricks for avoiding those distractions (and don't worry, they won't cost you a penny, dime or cent!).

1. Develop a morning routine. This might sound simple, but a routine allows you to go on auto pilot (and on auto pilot, you're less likely to get distracted).

A good morning routine doesn't have to be special, here's mine:

  • Get up & shower to my 'Morning Hits' playlist
  • Brush my teeth whilst thinking about my brekkie
  • Head down, make & eat my breakfast whilst listening to a podcast (sometimes this is work related, sometimes it's motivational, other days it's just a cool story - I love 'How I Built This')
  • Drink my coffee & read an article related to my industry
  • Head to my office and start...
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6 Tips for Getting Yourself Out There...


Having worked with hundreds of virtual assistants, one question always stands out. “How can I get over the fear of putting myself out there?”.

First of all, I get it. Every entrepreneur goes through this, and I was no exception. Putting yourself out there and sharing your business with the world is scary… but if you never tell anyone, you simply won’t succeed.

Besides setting up your business (which you can learn with ease here), overcoming the fear of putting yourself out there is by far the hardest part of starting.


The good news is, the more you overcome your fears, the more your business grows.


Here are my top tips for getting over the fear and getting yourself out there:


1. Figure out what you’re really afraid of.

Ask yourself… What is the absolute worst that can happen if you put yourself out there? Do you lose a client? Does someone send you a nasty email? Do people laugh because you’ve stepped outside of...

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